Milestone College Counseling Services

Welcome to Milestone College’s page on counseling resources available to students at our additional location of Oral Roberts University. We encourage students to take advantage of these resources at the earliest possible time.

As Oral Roberts University espouses, college students experience many changes during their years at school. There are the pressures that inevitably come with academic life, combined with social, emotional, and financial pressures, along with spiritual challenges. It can begin to feel overwhelming, sometimes leading to anxiety, depression, and self-doubt. Seeking a professional perspective is a mature response when you begin to feel overwhelmed.

As a Milestone College staff team, we make every effort to serve our students. We are committed to providing environments where students know that people are “in it” with them but also focusing on helping them take the next steps. We do not have a Milestone College staff counselor, and as a staff team, we are not equipped to deal with all situations that present themselves to our students with the expertise necessary to provide care and find long-term solutions. We also realize that there may be a conflict of interest for students as they pursue a degree at our location – and potentially aspire to attain a job at our church campuses – while needing an outlet for counseling services.

Therefore, our commitment as a Milestone College staff team is to help discern the best next step for a student and put the student on a pathway to care.

That pathway to care may include professional counseling that is informed by a Christian worldview to equip students with skills and resources that support emotional, physical, and emotional health.

When to seek counseling, according to ORU:

Sometimes we don’t speak up when we’re struggling. We want to act strong, or we’re sure people won’t understand. Truthfully, asking for help when you’re having a hard time isn’t a sign of weakness. Asking for help during the situations below shows strength.

  • Dealing with a crisis

  • Anxiety

  • Depression

  • Self-harm

  • Relationship concerns (family, friends, or romantic interests)

  • Grief and Loss

  • Sexual concerns

  • Problems with food, disordered eating

  • Sexual assault/rape

  • A history of physical, sexual, or emotional abuse

  • Alcohol or drug misuse/abuse

  • Unresolved trauma

  • Suicidal thoughts

*Generally, it’s a good idea to consider seeing a counselor if your difficulties persist for an extended period and/or if you experience symptoms that interfere with your daily activities.

When to seek help for a student you see struggling at Milestone:

  • Repeated absence

  • Failing classes (quality of work)

  • Struggling in multiple areas

  • Physical appearance altered

  • Disruptive behavioral significant traumatic event

What you can expect from Milestone College:

  • Small groups (required for first years)

  • Ministry nights (once/session)

  • College Connects (reinforces spiritual family)

  • The responsiveness of our team

  • Engagement from our Milestone Church staff

What we’re asking from students:

  • Desire to receive feedback and guidance

  • Attendance

  • Communication

  • Use specific language to describe personal situations